Iphone 7 Rumors And News

Iphone 7 Rumors

It’s not been long since the iPhone and iPhone 6 Plus were released and we are seeing a huge and humongous waves of iphone 7 rumors about the iPhone 7 or the next iPhone already.

Apple iPhone 6 is already launched and now the world is waiting for next version. Yes,iphone 7 rumors have already started about the next Apple iPhone. In this post, we will let you know about all the things you need to know.

These rumors have the details about how and what Apple will be doing with the successor of it’s most selling and featured product. iPhone as a smartphone is loved by many people worldwide and there is a big community of people who wait for new versions of iPhone and software that runs on it. It’s operation system is called iOS and is known as one of the most powerful and intuitive mobile OS of all times.


What it would be called?

iPhone 7 or iPhone 6S? If Apple goes to its traditional naming conventions, then there are very bright chances that it would be named iPhone 6S. However, speculations are also there that it would be named as iPhone 7. Apple never supported big screen, but by launching iPhone 6 plus, the company indicated that it is all set to give tough competition to its competitors. So, it can be guessed that Apple will once again surprise us all by naming its next device as iPhone 7. Few more rumors say that it will be named Apple iPhone Air. Now what exactly would it be named, only Apple knows it.

When it will be launched?

According to company’s traditions, the new device is launched at the end of the year. So, we can assume that the new iPhone will be launched in the month of September, 2015. However, an inside news suggests that Apple is trying to give its competitors a hard competition by launching its devices twice a year. If this news comes true, then it will help Apple in tackling ever growing competitions in the market of smartphones.

What new features will it have?

Now Apple has two devices, iPhone 6 with a 4.7inch screen and iPhone 6 plus with a screen size of 5.5 inches. Now, Apple can go with traditional 4.7 inch screen or with the 5.5 inch screen. There are very bright chances that Apple will again launch two devices with different screen size.



Before Apple iPhone 6 was launched, many predictions were made that it will have a wireless charging feature, but it was introduced in the Apple Watch. So, this feature can be expected in the new iPhone. Apart from this, a better camera, an A9 processor and an iOS 9 can be expected from the new Apple iPhone.

Will it have a new design?

Apple has a tradition that whenever it introduces a new design, it uses the same design for the next two generations. Now, Apple iPhone 6 was launched with new designs. It was slim, light in weight and had a round design. So the same design can be expected in the next Apple device. However, when it comes to Apple, nothing can be easily expected.


Recently, Apple published a patent in which the display of the device was extended onto the sides so that it will provide direct access for many functions. Apple named it as “Sidewall displays”. If this design would be used in the new iPhone, it will make it thicker than the iPhone 6.

New Material?

Apple is using sapphire for making the display of the Apple watch so it can be expected that it will use the same sapphire for making the display of the next device. Till now, Apple used a special kind of aluminum for making the chassis, but now it can be replaced by liquidmetal. The reason behind it is that liquidmetal is more durable, can be used in small quantity and is much stronger. So, Apple would try to go with these materials for making the device light and thin.

Now, what all features will Apple introduce and what can we expect from the new device? This question can be answered only when the device will be officially launched. Till then, we will keep you updated on all the leaks and info.

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